Big Guns Roofing, LTD

Glenmore Building Envelopes

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The building envelope is one of the most important aspects to your Glenmore property. Building envelopes are the systems that protect the interior environments from the exterior, and its environmental effects such as wind, rain, temperatures, sunlight, humidity, and many, many more. Not only that, but building envelopes also play fundamental structural roles in a building, like the actual support of the structure, and also an aesthetic purpose, as being part of the finish of your Glenmore home.

Perhaps the most fundamental role that building envelopes play in a structure is that of control over the exchange of humidity, temperatures, condensation and air between the interior and the exterior. This is, of course, elementally controlled by the HVAC or heating, ventilation and air-conditioning components of your Glenmore property. It would be foolish to assume, though, that the HVAC is the only component that has a part in that exchange, when without a doubt both the wall assembly and the roofing of the Glenmore property will be as important. A wall and a roofing system that hasn’t been properly insulated will be detrimental to both the heating and ventilation of a structure and might allow for outside air to sneak into the Glenmore building, or the very expensive and conditioned inside air to escape outside. The same can be said for the openings of a house. Cheap doors and windows will get the job done as far as granting entrance to a building and allowing sunlight in, but those are rarely sufficient in terms of energy-saving and insulation. Saving money on those components will, in the long run, end up costing lots of extra money in heating and electricity.

Building envelopes also make up the structure of any Glenmore structure, namely its walls, foundations and roofing: all the essential parts which keep a building standing up. It goes without saying that while heating and insulation are important in any building, actually keeping the structure from falling apart is even more so. And since walls and roofing structures are a part of these envelopes, they also play an aesthetic role: how the Glenmore property actually looks from the outside. From different styles and structural shapes to the distinct materials and colours used on the walls and roofing, they must all be considered part of a building envelope.

It is essential to take building envelopes into account when designing a Glenmore building for the first time, or when looking into resolving some of the problems that arise in a building regarding any of the mentioned above, such as ventilation, heating, structure, and insulation. Building envelopes work as a whole system so, while considering the different components separately may be necessary for specific issues, many other, bigger issues will definitely arise when one fails to consider the complete building set-up. Make sure you consult a professional Glenmore building envelope contractor like Big Guns Roofing when considering big jobs on your home.

We specialize in all exterior services including cladding, decking, roofing, guttering not just in Glenmore but all throughout British Columbia and surrounding areas.

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Get in touch today for a free estimate!

Visit Us: 1463 Mission Ridge Dr, Kelowna, BC V1W 3B1, Canada


Tel: 604-816-3658